13 Snow Removal Tips & Tricks

We all know that snow removal can be a pain. But not only for your body! Your home, property, and your free time suffer when you have to spend those hours shovelling the driveway.

(Forget about shovelling this winter. Book Jiffy to remove your snow for you!)

That’s why we put together this list of 13 snow removal tips and tricks to help you save your back and your home from the damage the snow can do.

  1. Put stakes around the edges of your walkways and driveway that you or your snow removal team doesn’t damage any bushes, grass, or gardens.

  2. Put de-icer down before it snows so that it does its job from underneath the snow that piles up, helping to decrease the ice build up that will inevitably happen.

  3. Water is the number one enemy of your home. So don’t place snow near your home’s foundation! It will eventually melt and could get through any cracks in your foundation.

  4. Rock salt is one of the cheapest options when it comes to de-icing your driveway and walkway. However, it is also the most damaging. Your car plus rock salt will damage your driveway as you drive over it.

  5. Shovel often if you’re expecting a lot of snow. Don’t let more than 6” accumulate or you’ll be paying for it later with lots of heavy snow to shovel.

  6. Shovel in layers if a lot of snow has fallen so as not to hurt your back. Make sure you’re using proper technique.

  7. Shovel early in the day to prevent the snow from getting compacted from people walking on it.

  8. When out shovelling, wear clothing that wicks moisture away from your body. This will help you to stay warm. Wearing absorbent fabrics like cotton will make you colder since when it gets wet and then cold, it will freeze.

  9. When you do head out to shovel, keep your phone on you just in case you fall and need help!

  10. Kitty litter works as a great source of traction on icy surfaces!

  11. Use rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle to deice your windshield - it will also help to prevent it from fogging up!

  12. To clear ice from car windows, steps, walkways, or locks, pour lukewarm water over the area. Use a squeegee to remove the run off immediately. You might need to do this a few times to get through all of the ice. Using hot or boiling water won’t speed up the process.

  13. Book Jiffy to remove your snow! It’s only $50 for a two car driveway, sidewalks, and walkways. For each additional car that fits into your driveway, it’s only $10 more.

What are some of your tips and tricks for the winter?

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